Panfleta Stencil Extra Bold

Panfleta Stencil famille composée de 2 polices
  • Euro

Mots clés

Note de l'auteur

Panfleta Stencil is a rounded typography sans serif, template style with geo-grotesque modulation, condensed, with short descending and ascending above the height of capitals and a high height of the x to compose very legible texts in small sizes. The round finish of the corners bring personality and warmth to the pure geometric development of this typeface. The careful study of the metrics and the meticulous configuration of the Kerning make a set of reliable fonts for use in both editorial design and advertising.

The inspiration for this family of fonts comes from the old pamphlets and political propaganda posters of the early and mid 20th century, in this case the stenciled design adds industrial, military or commercial connotations being perfect for the design of posters, packaging or advertising .

The typography is composed of 7 styles, from the finest (Extra Light) to the thickest (Extra Bold), all of them specially designed for advertising and editorial composition, behaving seriously in paragraph texts as well as in big headlines.

In the complete font package I include a version in the "Variable font" format for use with Adobe CC 2018.


Table de caractères

Veuillez utiliser le menu déroulant pour visualiser de différents tableaux de caractères contenus dans cette police.
Latin de base - Table de caractères

Informations sur les polices standards

Avis de droits d’auteur
Copyright (c) 2018 by deFharo. All rights reserved.
Famille de police
Panfleta Stencil ExtBd
Sous-famille de police
Identification unique de sous-famille
Version 1.195;DFHA;PanfletaStencil-ExtraBold;2018;FLVI-611
Nom complet de police
Panfleta Stencil Extra Bold
Version tableau de noms
Version 1.195
Nom de police postscript
Avis de marque déposée
Panfleta Stencil Pro is a trademark of deFharo.
Nom du fabricant
Panfleta Stencil is a rounded typography sans serif, template style with geo-grotesque modulation, condensed, with short descending and ascending above the height of capitals and a high height of the x to compose very legible texts in small sizes. The round finish of the corners bring personality and warmth to the pure geometric development of this typeface. The careful study of the metrics and the meticulous configuration of the Kerning make a set of reliable fonts for use in both editorial design and advertising.

The typography is composed of 7 styles, from the finest (Extra Light) to the thickest (Extra Bold), all of them specially designed for advertising and editorial composition, behaving seriously in paragraph texts as well as in big headlines.

The support of languages ​​of the typography is guaranteed for all the languages ​​derived from the Latin, in addition, it includes the Cyrillic alphabet, also OpenType advanced functions having 3 sets of different numbers, complete support for numerals, ordinals and fractions, alternative letters, ligatures, different international monetary symbols including Bitcoin and other crypto currencies, etc.

Informations sur les polices étendues

Plateformes supportées

UnicodeUnicode 2.0 et sémantique en cours, unicode BMP uniquement
MicrosoftUnicode BMP uniquement

Détails de la police

Comptage des glyphes182
Unités par Em1000
Droits incorporationIncorporation restreinte (non autorisée)
Classe famillePas de classification
LargeurMoyen (normal)
Mac styleGras
DirectionSeulement glyphes fortement gauche-à-droit + glyphes neutres
Caractéristiques des modèlesOrdinaire
EspacementNon fixe
Pack complet contient des poids de police 2 ci-dessous:
Panfleta Stencil Regular TrueTypeUsage privé
  • Euro