Oxin Army

Oxin famille composée de 4 polices
Oxin Army Carlos MatteoliSite Web TrueTypeUsage privé
Oxin Army free promo.ttf
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Mots clés

Note de l'auteur

Oxin Army is a captivating display font that exudes a strong military aesthetic. Designed by Carlos Matteoli, this font boasts a robust, angular style that immediately commands attention. The sharp, geometric letterforms and distinctive condensed shape lend a sense of power and authority, making Oxin Army an ideal choice for branding, packaging, or any design requiring a bold, disciplined visual impact. The font's versatility allows it to seamlessly transition between digital and print applications, elevating the aesthetic of posters, advertisements, or even military-themed merchandise.

Oxin Army's striking appearance and impactful presence make it a compelling option for designers seeking to create a memorable, authoritative impression.

The download of this source is free, but it does not include all the characters and is not authorized for commercial use. You can buy the full version at www.qbotype.com.

For inquiries about this source, licenses, and commercial rights, please send an email to qbotype@gmail.com or carlosmatteoli@gmail.com.

It is not permitted to resell, modify, or redistribute these files. Please avoid any inconveniences.

This source is registered.

Thank you.

You can find more information on the following platforms:
Website: https://www.qbotype.com/
Behance: https://www.behance.net/q-bo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QbotypeFonts/?ref=bookmarks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/qbotype_fonts
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/qbotype_fonts/

Table de caractères

Veuillez utiliser le menu déroulant pour visualiser de différents tableaux de caractères contenus dans cette police.
Latin de base - Table de caractères

Informations sur les polices standards

Famille de police
Sous-famille de police
Identification unique de sous-famille
Oxin Army:Version 1.00
Nom complet de police
Oxin Army
Version tableau de noms
Version 1.00 January 2, 2013, initial release
Nom de police postscript
Avis de marque déposée
Nom du fabricant

Informations sur les polices étendues

Plateformes supportées

UnicodeUnicode 2.0 et sémantique en cours, unicode BMP uniquement
MicrosoftUnicode BMP uniquement

Détails de la police

Comptage des glyphes53
Unités par Em2048
Droits incorporationIncorporation pour édition permise
Classe famillePas de classification
PoidsMoyen (normal)
LargeurMoyen (normal)
Mac styleGras
DirectionSeulement glyphes fortement gauche-à droit
Caractéristiques des modèlesOrdinaire
EspacementNon fixe
Pack complet contient des poids de police 4 ci-dessous:
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Typo Oxin free promo.ttf
Oxin Site Web TrueTypeUsage privé
  • Euro
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