Minnesota Winter Regular

Minnesota Winter Regular Tom Kolter TrueTypeUsage privé
Télécharger @font-face

Mots clés

Note de l'auteur

Free for personal use, however, donations are always gladly accepted :-)

ANY commercial use requires a license ($15 USD via PayPal). Please contact me or refer to text file that is in the font download for more details.

Redistribution of this font without my permission is strictly forbidden. Contact me for details.

I'd love to see how you use my font. Please send me images of your projects!

Website: www.ghostsofbigfoot.com
E-mail: theketchupmonkey[at]gmail[dot]com

Table de caractères

Veuillez utiliser le menu déroulant pour visualiser de différents tableaux de caractères contenus dans cette police.
Latin de base - Table de caractères

Informations sur les polices standards

Avis de droits d’auteur
Copyright (c) 2013 by . All rights reserved.
Famille de police
Minnesota Winter
Sous-famille de police
Identification unique de sous-famille
Nom complet de police
Minnesota Winter Regular
Version tableau de noms
Version 1.00 2013
Nom de police postscript
Avis de marque déposée
Minnesota Winter is a trademark of .
Tom Kolter
Minnesota Winter Regular is a font by , designed by Tom Kolter in 2013.
Minnesota Winter
TrueType Font
By and copyright Tom Kolter (www.ghostsofbigfoot.com)
This font is free only for personal use (personal blog, school project, etc.). Commercial use of this font requires a license from me (Tom Kolter). You can purchase a license by sending a PayPal payment to the e-mail address below. Your PayPal receipt will be your proof of purchase. You may not sublicense, sell, lease, or give away this font.
Send a PayPal payment in the amount of $15 USD to Tom Kolter at (theketchupmonkey@gmail.com).
The font and the accompanying materials are copyrighted and contain proprietary information and trade secrets belonging to Tom Kolter, (www.ghostsofbigfoot.com). Unauthorized copying of the product ‚Äöeven if modified, merged, or included with other software, or of the written materials, is expressly forbidden. You may be held legally responsible for any infringement of Tom Kolter's intellectual property rights that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by the terms of this Agreement.
Tom Kolter (www.ghostsofbigfoot.com) shall not be liable to you or any other person or entity for any general, special, direct, indirect, consequential, incidental or other damages arising out of the use of this font.

Informations sur les polices étendues

Plateformes supportées

UnicodeUnicode 2.0 et sémantique en cours, unicode BMP uniquement
MicrosoftUnicode BMP uniquement

Détails de la police

Comptage des glyphes67
Unités par Em1000
Droits incorporationIncorporation pour impression et prévisualisation permise
Classe famillePas de classification
PoidsMoyen gras
LargeurMoyen (normal)
Mac styleGras
DirectionSeulement glyphes fortement gauche-à-droit + glyphes neutres
Caractéristiques des modèlesOrdinaire
EspacementNon fixe