
Kiona TrueTypeFreeware
Télécharger @font-face

Mots clés

Note de l'auteur

Check out my new Font Blog to stay up to see when I release new fonts!


I had 2 friends that both didn't like their names so they made everyone call them something else, which was both funny and interesting, but could be confusing at times. Also a side note, both of them never met, but they came upon their new names by meeting little girls that they though had vute names. Thus I created this font.

This letter and number set is fun and unique, just like you! (And apparently my friends!) The capitals have serifs, and the lower case set is capital as well but sans serif. Confusing! But fun and interesting at the same time, no? I feel like this font has somewhat of an Asian look to it, and I think it would great in Signage, Ad Copy, and Cartoon Design!

A font that I created to use for a website design. Intended to use for Web Design and Large Ad Copy. Kind of sexy!

This is free to do with whatever you wish, personal or commercial. Just don't claim ownership, sell it, redistribute it, or be a jerk with it.

It might be cool if you use the font to either credit MuraKnockout Media or Michael Muranaka, or show me how you used it! Enjoy!

Table de caractères

Veuillez utiliser le menu déroulant pour visualiser de différents tableaux de caractères contenus dans cette police.
Latin de base - Table de caractères

Informations sur les polices standards

Avis de droits d’auteur
Typeface © (your company). 2011. All Rights Reserved
Famille de police
Sous-famille de police
Identification unique de sous-famille
Kiona:Version 1.00
Nom complet de police
Version tableau de noms
Version 1.00 September 11, 2011, initial release
Nom de police postscript
This font was created using FontCreator 6.0 from

Informations sur les polices étendues

Plateformes supportées

UnicodeUnicode 2.0 et sémantique en cours, unicode BMP uniquement
MicrosoftUnicode BMP uniquement

Détails de la police

Comptage des glyphes63
Unités par Em2048
Droits incorporationIncorporation pour édition permise
Classe familleSérifs forme libre
PoidsMoyen léger
LargeurMoyen (normal)
Mac styleGras
DirectionSeulement glyphes fortement gauche-à droit
Caractéristiques des modèlesOrdinaire
EspacementNon fixe